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Signs You Need Your Car's AC System Repaired

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If you have been noticing weird things with your car's air conditioner, such as an odd smell or the air not having the same cooling effect that it used to, it might be time to get it inspected. In some cases, it is as simple as adding more refrigerant, but other repairs might also be needed. Here are some signs that it is time to bring your car into a mechanic to have a look at the air conditioning system.

The Air Is Insufficient

Naturally, one of the first problems you probably notice with your air conditioner is that it doesn't blow out any air. However, it might also blow out some air, but it is simply not as powerful or as cold as it used to be. If you notice the air isn't as cold as it once was, even though the settings are the same, then there might be an issue with the system or you may need to have the refrigerant replaced. There could be a blocked hose or a leak somewhere if it isn't blowing any air at all, or the airflow is lower than it should be.

There Is a Weird Smell

When you notice weird and foul smells every time you turn on the air conditioner, it is often a good sign you should have it inspected. The smell is typically from mildew or mold growing in the AC system, which frequently happens if you have not used it in a while. Perhaps during the winter, you don't turn it on at all for a couple months, then come springtime it is getting warmer and you start using it again. If you notice a bad smell that you think might be from mildew, you should have it looked at and cleaned internally so you don't breathe in the spores.

You Have Signs of a Leak

If you notice that there is a leak of fluid when you are parked in your driveway, but you can't figure out where it is coming from, it might be your air conditioning system. People often check the oil, transmission fluid, or brake fluid when they have a leak, but forget it can also be from the refrigerant in your air conditioning system. Leaks can occur from pipes that are cracked or from disconnected hoses or valves. This will not only cause a leak of refrigerant, but it might cause many of the other issues, like air no longer flowing, as well.
