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How To Save Money On Auto Repairs

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Have you recently purchased a used vehicle? Does it need more repairs than you initially thought? Buying used can be a great way to get a decent vehicle at an affordable price. Unfortunately, it also means that you now have to contend with any prior issues that the vehicle has. If you don't make plans to contend with these repairs, you can wind up spending enough money that you almost might as well have purchased a brand new vehicle. To avoid getting to that point, here are some tips that can help you save money on your auto repair:

Don't do one repair at a time: If you're low on cash, it can be tempting to do something like replace the fan belt, then tune up the transmission, then have various hoses replaced, and so on. Unfortunately, by doing things this way, you may be adding significant labor costs to your auto repair bill. For instance, in order to access the transmission or the fan belt, your mechanic may need to temporarily disconnect some of the hoses anyway. If they're going to be doing that, the cost of swapping those hoses for new ones may only add a few dollars to your bill. If you wait and do them separately, the hoses will still only be a few dollars but now you're paying double the labor costs. Ask your mechanic what repairs can be grouped together to save you the most money, since these can vary depending on the make and model of the vehicle in question.

Leave the city: Big-city mechanics have to pay big-city wages and rent. With higher expenses for everything, they're forced to pass these costs to their customers in the form of higher repair bills. But if you're willing to drive to a less urban area, you may be able to find mechanics who can do the same quality of work for a much lower fee. The downside of traveling so far to an auto repair shop is figuring out how to get there and back without spending your savings on taxi fares.

Always get a second opinion: So you've found a good auto repair shop and you've been going there for a while. They seemed to have had the best prices for your last vehicle, after all. But that may not hold true with your new vehicle. While they may still have the best prices for tune-ups or minor repairs, it may be cheaper to take your vehicle elsewhere for more major issues. You can still take your vehicle to your favorite mechanic, but don't be afraid to get quotes from other places as well.

For more information or assistance, contact companies like Terwood Auto Repair.
